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英國政府為英國國民(海外)護照持有人及其家屬創建了新的移民渠道。 2021年1月31日起,BN(O)簽證(下統稱為“BNO簽證”)允許他們進入英國,並在有條件的情況下在當地居住及工作,同時為他們提供申請英國國籍的途徑。簽證的詳細信息可以在英國政府網站上找到。
Invest and Consult 為有意申請全新BNO簽證人士提供公道價格的特別諮詢服務。 服務範圍涵蓋申請提交,到就業、搬遷及教育不同層面的協助。 我們充分了解BNO護照持有人注重個人信息的安全性及希望能以極具競爭力的價格享受優質服務。我們專業、友好、盡責並能操流利粵語的團隊將充分利用他們在稅收、財產和法律支持範疇上的豐富經驗為您服務。
服務簡介 - 就業
英國平均每年網上招聘810,000個職位。 因此,我們深深體會與求職者在這過程上的溝通及支持至為重要。
Invest and Consult擁有25年服務英國以至全球求職者的經驗。 我們明白如果我們不能為求職者提供充分準備,將無法滿足僱主的需求。 顧客是我們最重要的資產。
The 7 settlement criteria are:1. At least £50,000 has been invested into the business and actively spent furthering the business plan assessed in the applicant’s previous endorsement. 2. The number of the business’s customers has at least doubled within the most recent 3 years and is currently higher than the mean number of customers for other UK businesses offering comparable main products or services. The business has engaged in significant research and development activity and has applied for intellectual property protection in the UK. The business has generated a minimum annual gross revenue of £1 million in the last full year covered by its accounts. The business is generating a minimum annual gross revenue of £500,000 in the last full year covered by its accounts, with at least £100,000 from exporting overseas. The business has created the equivalent of at least 10 full-time jobs for resident workers. The business has created the equivalent of at least 5 full-time jobs for resident workers, which have an average salary of at least £25,000 a year (gross pay, excluding any expenses).
服務簡介 - 簽證申請
服務簡介 - 搬遷及教育
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